Powering Your Business with Information

Solutions for Electric Vehicles Fleet

Use the right solution in the right way to build your clean, effective vehicle fleet.

Solutions for Smart Grids

Maximize your grid resources, ensuring the most energy at the most profit.

Tech to grow your business

Modernize your business in minutes by improving the tech you have, giving you the ability to become an industry leader.

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Visibility of every record
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Operational coverage
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Records processed daily
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Increase in profit for data


Ignite connections that drive powerful data

Mulytic Energy aggregates diverse data points to unify and enrich your data, giving you a complete and real-time perspective into your business operations.

See our services


Bring tomorrow’s success today

Discover the insights you need to act on your information right now, when it matters most. Don’t let success slip away.


Run your business with confidence of top-quality information and precision action.

Operate enables you to lower operational costs and increase uptime with automated, personalized information.

Bringing Up Bangladesh

Technology is about more than wires, data and software. It’s about people and society, about bringing people together and improving our world. Mulytic Energy is improving Bangladesh and the world through programs of empowerment and growth.

Visit our programs resources

Get all the information you need on Mulytic Energy’s Bangladeshi initiatives.

Companies We've Worked With

Ready to get started?

Create deeper insights and connections through better and more comprehensive data usage.