We deliver smarter and faster information

Your time is valuable and you need to make smart, fast decisions to stay ahead of your competition.

To make your business run at the speed of thought, Mulytic Energy provides advanced analytics and monitoring, so you can focus on what you do, knowing your business and decisions are sound.


Your data at your fingertips.

Take advantage of all your datapoints with the latest in cloud data aggregation and processing with our Charge.AI product and bespoke development services.

  • Collect real-time IoT data across the world.
  • Gain a real-time look into your data, your way.
  • Change and grow as your business grows.

End those days of one-off and slow data collection

Mulytic Energy provides you the one-stop-shop you’ve been looking for with our end-to-end data collection technology. We centralize and analyze your diverse data so you can get back to focusing on what you do best – making money.

  • Empower your business with cloud-based processing for IoT and legacy system data.
  • Save costs by paying only what you need. Mulytic Energy’s subscription service keeps the control in your hands.
  • Rest easy with our secure data handling and processing capabilities.


Turn your data into actionable information

Transform your data into useful information for your business.

  • Visualize your future with Mulytic Energy’s forecast and modeling technology. From time-series, to regressions to market analysis, let our teams develop the industry-specific insights you are looking for.
  • Mulytic Energy can integrate hundreds of 3rd party data sources such as weather, consumer trends, traffic and market events to enhance your insights and give you the best information you need.

End your second-guessing and wishing for more information with better clarity

Mulytic Energy provides you the information you’ve been looking for with our end-to-end data processing technology. You do not need a PhD or MS to understand our insights, we provide them actionable and easy-to-use channels that meet your flexible needs.

  • View your information in an easy-to-use Charge.AI platform, or set an API feed into your existing systems
  • Alter your views for different users and different needs, with as much or as little detail as needed (still in development)


Run your business with peace-of-mind that your systems are working for you

As technology increases and customer bases expand, it is harder to keep up with your demand. At Mulytic Energy, our Fleet Management system ensures your services are up and running so you can keep making money.

  • Receive real-time alerts of issues with remediation and 24x7x365 monitoring using Mulytic Energy’s Fleet Monitoring Service.
  • Find out when failures are likely to occur and remediate before they do, improving stability.

Stop worrying about your operations, and start focusing on your customers

Mulytic Energy brings state-of-the-art monitoring of your services so you know immediately when there is a problem and have confidence it’s being addressed by professionals. See measurable returns on your operations and stability.

  • Mulytic Energy’s end-to-end monitoring enables company-wide view of your systems.
  • Real-time analysis ensures no alerts are missed and action is taken at or before the time of the event. Fast, effective and confident, that’s what we bring to your services.

Mulytic Energy closes the loop of data collection, analysis and operations to provide a fast, intelligent future for your business


Connect Mulytic Energy to your existing systems today.

Powerful solutions. Advanced insights.

Charge.AI increases the value of your business by allowing smarter, faster data-driven decisions. Let us focus on your operations and your data while you focus on your business. With our real-time analytics, and advanced modeling, we extend the power of your existing business and give you the competitive edge you need.

Our data controls ensure your information is safely communicated and analyzed so that no data breaches will occur. Data is your lifeblood and we take your security seriously.

Mulytic Energy solutions uses multiple layers to ensure you get the full solution you need, preventing concerns of interoperability or scalability as you grow.

Through our services, you will have a deeper and more profound view into your business, allowing more and faster decision-making that positively impacts your teams.

See what we can do for your industry

Electric Vehicles Fleet

Use the right solution in the right way to build your clean, effective vehicle fleet.

Find the solution that best fits your business and implement it with confidence wherever your fleet may be.

Learn More

Smart Grid

Maximize your grid resources, ensuring the most energy at the most profit.

Use real-time data feeds and data services to get the most from your smart-grid. Visualize your results and lower your operational costs while helping the planet.

Learn More

Ready to Start?

Find out the data and insights you need for a better and faster business operations through cloud-based data services.