Standing tall with Bangladesh

We are proud to live at the intersection of the developed and developing worlds. Our duty is to be a community pillar and unite these worlds so all can benefit.


We are proud to sponsor several programs benefiting Bangladesh and the community – to bring Bangladesh and its immense talents into the world stage so all may benefit.

BRIGHT Program

Creating tomorrow’s technology stars today

BRIGHT is about assessing, guiding and mentoring young Bangladeshi people in the ways of global technology business.

  • 16-week program for new technologists to discover their skills and learn about the industry.
  • Comprehensive review of talents, strengths and goals to create a personalized learning path for each person.

Growing talent to foster a better world

At Mulytic Energy, we believe helping Bangladeshi people is helping the world. Successful interns are offered the position to stay or to move on to new career opportunities.

Project Athena

Empowering women to a successful career in technology

Mulytic Energy spends significant time every year working with women to empower their success in the technology field.

  • Sponsor networking events where like-minded business people can collaborate on these issues.
  • Develop hands-on training program for women and coworkers to foster team cohesion and office environments safe for women and minorities.
  • Foster growth opportunities and skills training for women just getting started or growing their career.

Project Athena has produced many highly talented women that have succeeded in many diverse industries.

Like BRIGHT, the goal of Project Athena is to empower Bangladeshi women to achieve their best careers. We are proud to see many of our former team members go on to successful careers and improve their lives.

Want to hear more about our programs?

Let’s talk about how we can partner to make a better tomorrow for Bangladesh and the world over. Contact us for partnerships, more information or any inquiries.