Smart Grid

Get the most from your grid with pinpoint control and real-time solutions

The smart grid is the future, and you can live that future now with Mulytic Energy’s expert technology and real-time data analysis. Our end-to-end approach empowers your business to monitor and act immediately, meeting customer needs and maintaining strong profits.


Any battery, any need

Mulytic Energy smartgrid solution can use any battery and create actionable insights for any need. Whether it’s for emergencies, or for daily work, your smart grid will work for you in every situation.


Faster and better actions through data

Mulytic Energy’s expert data analytics deliver the smart, meaningful, data-driven decisions in the moment. Insights enable you to make the best decisions for whatever need your grid is solving for today. Responsive, fast and reliable.


Split-second decisions

Increase your value and profit with automated alerting and insights into energy usage patterns. With Mulytic Energy Monitoring and our Insights, the data will translate into more profit and stability in the now.

Fact Sheet

How we help smart grid providers

Increase margins, lower maintenance times and increase efficiency across all your smart grid solutions with easy-to-action insights that empower growth and fast action.

Where the magic happens

Smart Choice

Find the best IoT solution to suit your needs: what you need, when you need it.


Automatically take complex data from the Smart Choice and transform it into actionable, easy-to-use insights.


Operate your business with speed and ease as Mulytic Energy  Monitoring services ensures your technology is operational.

Learn more about our technology

Ready to get started?

Find out how Mulytic Energy’s solutions for Smart Grid can help power better business results for your company.

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